Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews! March 4th, 2020!

Every week we go home on Tuesday night and read a bunch of comics to be ready for New Comic Book Day. Sometimes we write up little blurbs about them to put out in the shop so people know what’s what. In case you can’t make it in or just want to have a game plan before you visit, check out this week’s reviews!

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Holy crap it’s finally here! Tom King and Mitch Gerads, the masterminds behind Mister Miracle, reunite and are joined by the equally awesome Doc Shaner! Adam Strange is the man of two worlds, an adventurer who became the savior of the planet Rann. Or at least that’s the story we’ve been told. Is he a hero or a war criminal? Does he even know the answer to that question? A fantastic start to what is sure to be an incredible series!

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An entire school’s worth of cool new magic using kids make their first appearances here and we can’t decide who our favorite is. Is it the punk kid with the flaming pumpkin head? Or maybe the shy frost giant? Oooh, the girl from New Orleans with all the super shady secrets is pretty cool… Well let’s hope they survive long enough for us to really get attached to them. We know they’re good at saving the world, but let’s see if Dr. Strange, Dr. Voodoo, Scarlet Witch and Co. can handle a real hard job - teaching.

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Monsters attack a small Victorian town, killing many and leaving the survivors in a state of fear and mourning for years. Who is the beautiful young woman riding into town and why does she have to be reminded how to move her face like a human? What is her connection to a young orphan and a secret brothel owner? Will we find out before the monsters come back and eat everyone?! Another awesome book from the queen of sexy comics, Mirka Andolpho!

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FLASH #750

Celebrating 750 issues of the fastest man alive! DC sure knows how to do these big anniversary issues. You’ve got a whole bunch of the creators you want to see telling stories that pay tribute to the past while setting up all the excitement to come. Important to folks interested in the future of the DC Universe as a whole: this issue has a story featuring Wally West in his new role that should lead directly into whatever 5G might be. Veeeeeery interesting!

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We double dare you to try and read this issue without hearing all the Peter Parker dialogue in Nicholas Cage’s voice. Don’t bother trying, it’s impossible. But anyway, we love the Noir version of the Marvel universe! Filling Spidey’s quippy dialogue with slang from the 1930’s is super fun and World War II looming in the background provides a really interesting setting for this little Spider-Man mystery.

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The future is full of mega-cities that provide for every conceivable need of their people. Food, healthcare, entertainment, and purpose is all there for the taking. So you might have to agree to breeding programs and give up actual freedom. What’s the big deal. Of course you could try and survive in one of  the small towns and fight off the mega-cities. That’s always an option. Just watch out for those laser cannons! Great first issue! Highly recommended!

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Superman’s greatest villains react to his decision to reveal his secret identity to the world. The handful of pages of Lex Luthor alone are worth the price of admission. After this issue the Daily Planet is in a whole different kind of trouble we weren’t expecting when Clark took his glasses off in front of the camera. Plus, a clue that maybe Doomsday Clock actually did happen within the regular DC Universe? Did not see that coming…

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Did someone catch the Mouse slipping here. Disney owns Marvel and Marvel owns the rights to printing Conan comics. Soooooo what’s going on here?! That’s above our paygrade really, but this is pretty interesting. It’s essentially an adaptation of the original uncensored Conan stories from the 1930’s. Pretty different from the stuff Marvel is putting out, but still some very entertaining Conan!


Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews March 10th, 2020!


Cape and Cowl's New Comic Book Day Reviews! February 25th, 2020!