Comic Book Feng Shui

Cape and Cowl Comics Proposed Floor Plan

We lucked out when we came to terms on the little slice of heaven Cape and Cowl Comics will call home for the foreseeable future in Uptown Oakland, but sometimes luck comes with a price. This beautiful store is located on the bottom floor of a nearly 100 year old building that is being added to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and that means your friendly neighborhood comic shop has quite a few design guidelines to observe. We can't obstruct the windows, can't tear out the floors, can't paint a Batman mural on the outside, etcetera, etcetera. Really, this isn't a big deal and in fact, it has been a bit of a blessing. As part of the review process, the NRHP required we submit a proposed floor plan of how we intend to use the space. So basically for the last month or so there has been a constant debate about where's the best place to put the new books, how to arrange the trade paperbacks and action figures, how to make use of the 50 plus linear feet of giant windows, and where the best place to seal the deal with the silky smooth act of commerce might be.

So what do you think? Can you see yourself getting lost in our geeky corridors?


What to Expect When Expecting (A New Comic Book Store)


Comics, Bricks, and Mortar